1470 Periwinkle Way · Sanibel, Florida 33957
[email protected] (239) 472-5248

Rates & Information

Exclusive Scooter Rentals on Sanibel

If pedaling around is not your style, then you’ll love cruising around the island on our stylish 49-cc scooters! Please remember, Billy’s Rentals requires ALL operators to provide and wear their own helmet and possess a valid driver’s license when renting motorized scooters, and a $250 security deposit is required. This deposit must be placed on a major credit card, no debit cards allowed. 

Billy’s Rentals has the following additional requirements for scooter rental:

   Passengers must be at least 4 feet tall. (1.22 Meters)

     Drivers must be experienced in operating a motor scooter or motorcycle.

We want to make sure you have a SAFE memorable vacation.
One of our staff will go over the functions of the scooter and do a short test to make sure you are competent of safely operating the scooter.

Scooter Rental Rates

Scooter Rentals2hr3hr4-8hr1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day1 wk
2 Person Scooter607590110170210230250270290

Note: Due to the many variables involved in renting and riding a scooter, we do not accept reservation. Don’t worry, if you meet all of the requirements, we have plenty of scooters for everyone to enjoy. All scooters are subject to a 10.00 dollar a day Sanibel user fee.

If going further in a relaxing way is your style, you may be interested in our E-bike rentals.

Billy’s Rentals E-Bikes