1470 Periwinkle Way · Sanibel, Florida 33957
[email protected] (239) 472-5248

Things to Do While Biking on Sanibel

Check here to see an updated list of OPEN businesses on the islands, through the recent hurricane storm recovery.

1. Bailey-Matthew Shell Museum The non-profit Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum features more than 30 exhibits of mollusks from around the world. Exhibits are devoted to shells in art and history, shell habitat, rare specimens, fossil shells, common Southwest Florida shells, and more. The learning lab features a hands-on play area for children, displays, games, and a tank with indigenous mollusks. A half-hour video, Mollusks in Action, is shown on the hour, and a children’s video is shown continuously. The museum store offers a wide selection of shell books.

2. J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge  The J. N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge is located on the subtropical barrier island of Sanibel in the Gulf of Mexico. The refuge is part of the largest undeveloped mangrove ecosystem in the United States. It is world-famous for its spectacular migratory bird populations. J. N. “Ding” Darling is one of over 550 refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System administered by the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service. There are over 20 dedicated full-time and part-time staff members who are charged with carrying out the mission of the J. N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge.

3. Sanibel Historical Museum and Village   
Sanibel Historical Museum and Village was founded in 1984 with a mission to preserve and share Sanibel’s history. The story of Sanibel is told from the Calusa and Spanish eras to the early pioneer families who settled on the island in the 1800s. It tells of warriors, adventurers, fishermen, farmers and proprietors. Seven historic buildings were moved from their original island sites to the Historical Village. Each building has been restored to its original state. Volunteer docents share the stories of Sanibel with almost 10,000 visitors a year. Join us as we follow the footsteps of the past.

4. Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is dedicated to the conservation of coastal habitats and aquatic resources on Sanibel and Captiva and in the surrounding watershed. SCCF manages over 1300 acres of land on the islands (and owns an additional 500 acres on nearby Pine Island).

5. CROW operates a veterinary hospital, educational program, and public visitor education center on a 12.5-acre campus on Sanibel Island, Florida. The organization’s primary mission is the rescue, care, rehabilitation, and eventual release back to the wild of sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife. Inherent in this mission is the education of adults and children, encouraging them to live a peaceful coexistence with their wild neighbors.

6. Captiva Cruises  Founded in 1986, Captiva Cruises is an excursion boat company, which operates a fleet of vessels & an exciting program of tours and cruises from world-famous, South Seas Island Resort and McCarthy’s Marina on beautiful Captiva Island, Florida. The culture of Captiva Cruises, a recognized leader in the Florida ecotourism industry, is one committed to a course of action, that honors the islands’ history of conservation and legacy of environmental education.

7.  Tarpon Bay Explorers  Nestled within the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, Tarpon Bay Explorers offers a variety of nature tours and rentals to help you make the most of your Florida vacation.

More to check out!

Lee County Bicycle Map: https://leempo.com/fourth-edition-bicycle-map/

Sanibel Shared Use Path Map: http://bikewalklee.com/BWL_PDFs/Maps/Sanibel%20path%20system%20map.pdf 

Sanibel Bicycle Club: https://sanibelbicycleclub.org/